
Do I need to flip cans of blanks?

Reading time - 3 minutes.
whether to overturn cans with blanks
Is it necessary to turn the cans over after spinning - this question interests many young housewives. For home canning, jars rolled up with ordinary tin lids must be turned over, put on the lid and allowed to stand for a certain time.

This is done for the following reasons:

1. Check the tightness of the blockage. In the normal (non-inverted) position of the can, it is impossible to see if the lid is tight, or if water is leaking out. The presence of water in the can does not prevent air from entering the leaky container. If you turn the can over, it is immediately clear whether there is a leak. During cooling, if the can is sealed tightly, atmospheric pressure presses the lid even more;

2. Additional sterilization of the lid itself and the top of the can takes place. Thus, the reliability of the preservation heat treatment is increased.

Modern housewives increasingly use screw (screw) lids for homework. Manufacturers recommend that the can be left in its original position (do not turn over) to ensure the best results when using these lids. But for additional sterilization and to check the reliability of the closure, you can turn the jar over to see if the lid fits snugly and put it on the bottom until it cools completely.
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How much to cook / Tips / Do I need to flip cans of blanks?


