
Fastest Popular Salads

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quick salads

We offer a selection of salads for the festive table - as a rule, on the eve of the holidays, there is not much time for cooking, and you want to relax. Therefore, it is rational to use recipes that are widely used by Russian housewives. These recipes deserve love for a reason - they are loved for their taste, and for a reasonable budget, and for easy cooking. Choose any or several at once - everything will be swept off the table!

Olivier salad

Number 1 in popularity, it takes 20 minutes to cook if you bake vegetables in the microwave. Mix ready-made potatoes and carrots, chopped boiled eggs. Chop sausage, pickled cucumber, add to the rest of the ingredients. Put 0.5 cans of green peas. Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste. Season with mayonnaise. In general, that's all, but avid aesthetes should read more all the rules for cooking Olivier.

Sunflower salad

It takes longer to cook, at least an hour - you need to cook chicken, fry mushrooms, decorate - but it looks very nice and very satisfying. The salad is collected in layers:

  1. Sliced ​​breast (300 g) + 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
  2. Fried champignons (150 g) and onions (1 pc.) + Mayonnaise mesh.
  3. Grated 1 egg and 3 squirrels + mayonnaise.
  4. Grated cheese + mayonnaise.
  5. 3 grated yolks.

Make a mayonnaise mesh on top, put the halves of olives in the cells. Put the chips "petals" in a circle.

Chicken - pineapple salad

No. 3, it takes an hour to prepare, but if the chicken is cooked in advance, then the cooking can be called casual. Combine the crumbled chicken fillet (350 g) and eggs (3 pcs.), Grated cheese (150 g), chopped pineapple rings (6 pcs.) In a salad bowl. Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste. Season with mayonnaise.

Salad "Herring under a fur coat"

No. 4 - long, but classic! It is even prepared from salted herring for at least an hour, and it takes time to infuse - but this salad can be safely prepared in the morning and kept in the refrigerator until guests arrive. Boil potatoes (2-3 pcs.) And crush. Carve or chop the herring. Chop and scald onions (1 pc.), Grate boiled beets (2 pcs.), Chopped chicken eggs (5 pcs.), Grated boiled carrots. In the same order, lay out the layers on a flat dish, brushing each with mayonnaise.

Greek salad"

No. 5, the perfect salad for the combination of "taste / benefit", and no preliminary preparation is required - all the ingredients (tomato, cucumber, pepper, a small package of "Feta" and a tin of olives) are cut into large cubes and seasoned with olive oil and Italian mixture. Minus - for the New Year, the pleasure is expensive, fresh vegetables skyrocket in price. In addition, such a salad must be prepared right before the arrival of guests and eaten in a couple of hours - the very next day it will be inedible.

... And a couple of tips on how to speed up your cooking

Cooking will take even less time if the ingredients are prepared in advance:
  1. You can boil meat and eggs a couple of days before the holiday;
  2. It is better to buy everything for cooking in 4-5 days, so as not to run around the shops on December 31. Sausage, green peas, canned cucumbers, pineapple rings, olives, chips, herring in oil - all this can be bought at least 2 weeks before the holiday.

Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets) can be cooked in the morning, on the day of the holiday:

  • traditionally - in a saucepan;
  • fast: peel, cut into cubes, put in separate bags (with holes for steam to escape) and bake in the microwave: potatoes - 8 minutes; carrots - 10 minutes; beets - 12 minutes.
And remember that on the day of the holiday, there should be a minimum of cooking in order to enjoy the celebration with the guests. Read our other article, how to prepare for the holiday with a daily action plan.

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How much to cook / Tips / Fastest Popular Salads


