
How to clean the oven quickly?

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how to clean the oven
Each housewife faced difficulties when cleaning the oven. Fat, sugar, dough burn on tightly and it is not easy to clean them. In this article, we will share six reliable ways to keep your oven clean.

1. Recipe from grandmother - soda
This method of washing the oven has been used for many years, it can be safely considered a folk one. Mix half a glass of soda with 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water. We put on rubber gloves, apply soda to a cloth or sponge - and cover the inside of the oven with the composition. We leave the baking soda for one night, then remove it with a rag dipped in vinegar. You can also use a spray bottle.

2. Quick method - citric acid
Preheat the oven to about 200 degrees. Pour a small amount of water into a baking sheet and add about 20 grams. citric acid. Place the baking sheet in the oven and wait about 40 minutes. The water should evaporate and sweat will appear on the oven door. Turn off the oven, wait until it cools down, then wipe it with a cloth dipped in a soda solution. We wash off the soda with water - the oven is clean, like after buying a stove!

3. Gels for cleaning ovens
In the store you can buy gels "Amway", "Faberlik", "Shumanit", specially designed for cleaning ovens.

4. Ammonium to help!
We turn on the oven, wait for it to heat up to 180 degrees. We put two bowls in the oven - with water and 5 bottles of ammonia. We are waiting for traces of steam to appear on the door and turn off the oven. After about 40 min. the oven cools down. If the contamination is very strong, you can leave the ammonia overnight. We wipe the oven.

5. Simple and effective - baking powder
We take a bag of baking powder for the dough, fill it with a small amount of water, mix. Apply the resulting mixture to contaminated surfaces, wait half an hour and remove the baking powder. The method is suitable for light or fresh dirt.

6. Mix of soda and ammonia
Pour five bottles of ammonia solution into a bowl. We heat the oven to 180 degrees, turn it off. Pour water into the second bowl. We place water on the bottom shelf, ammonia on the top. We are waiting for the oven to cool down and clean off the soaked dirt with a hard sponge with soda applied to it. When using ammonia, the window in the kitchen must be open, so the method should be used in the warm season.
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How much to cook / Tips / How to clean the oven quickly?


