
How to peel pollock?

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how to peel pollock
To quickly and quality peel pollock, you must first defrost it. Better at room temperature.

To remove pollock scales, a regular kitchen knife is suitable. It will easily remove small flakes on its surface.

After removing the scales, you need to gut the fish. The head is cut off first. The cut line is 1 cm from the gills. To remove the insides, an incision is made in the belly. The dark film is removed with a knife along with the insides, and its remnants are washed out thoroughly under running water.

After the pollock is gutted, the fins are removed. You can use scissors and cut them off, but to remove the inner fin bones, it is better to do this with a knife. A longitudinal incision is made around it and the fin is removed completely.

That's all, now the pollock is ready to eat. It can cook, fry or bake.
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