
What can be made from honey agaric legs?

Reading time - 1 min.
honey mushrooms
Sometimes honey agaric caps are so tender that you want to pickle or pickle them separately from the rough legs. Well, this is a task for the diligent, but definitely worth it. Be aware that the legs can taste noticeably bitter. It is best to soak them in salted water, then boil and taste. Well, for the rest, the mushroom legs also have a delicious use to choose from:
  • Twist them in a meat grinder and put them on the pie filling.
  • Boil mushroom caviar only from the honey agaric legs - you can boil for a really long time so that the legs are completely softened, and watch out for the bitterness.
  • Chop the legs very finely - and cook based on them, mushroom broth, which, in turn, can be used for soups.
  • The classic of the genre is potatoes with mushrooms. Even without the hats it turns out great too.

How much to cook / Tips / What can be made from honey agaric legs?


