
How to save money

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how to save money
1. The first thing you need is at least a rough table in which expenses are entered. Better to make it available online for the whole family so that everyone can contribute. Or, appoint a person responsible for this reporting. The table will help you understand where the spending is too large and in which articles you can slightly reduce the budget in the next month. Depending on the amount of spending, the table can be made daily or weekly. For convenience, mark incidentals and whether they are required. For accuracy, you can pay for all expenses with a card - and double-check the numbers in the online bank reports.

Sample table columns
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2. We save water: we screw the tap near the meters a little - hot water under maximum pressure is almost never used, even in the shower. All Tips

3. The best way to save is for something. Vacation, big purchase, and so on. Even the simplest products will taste better if you understand that the money saved will go to something important and pleasant for you personally.

4. Put it off! This is not a direct savings, but it is better to save a little than to run after unprofitable micro-loans on a rainy day.

5. We save electricity: energy-saving lamps, replacing batteries with rechargeable batteries, the habit of always turning off the light after you - all this saves up to 10-15 thousand rubles every year. And these are tickets to Rome and back!

6. You can also save a lot on entertainment if you don't have a snack in a cafe while traveling, but take dry rations with you from home. Entertainment is also inexpensive - you can still go to the theater for 100-200 rubles.

7. Give up bad habits: excise taxes on alcohol and cigarettes in recent years have increased significantly. At the same time, you will save on medicines and your own energy. Only cigarettes when smoking a pack per day 1500-3000 rubles. This is at least a quarter of the consumer basket.

8. Save on food, it's quite simple and if you cook everything yourself, you can even in 5000 rubles..

9. Arrange savings marches. For example, a week without light after 23:00, a 10-day day without meat products, a month for giving up alcohol. Firstly, it's fun, and secondly, this skill will allow you to calmly respond to new obstacles in saving - you will definitely come up with something.

10. Earn extra money - if you have a car, then bring up your fellow travelers. If you love pets, do overexposure at home, and if you know the language well, you can do texts and translations in your free time.
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How much to cook / Tips / How to save money


