
How to save electricity

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how to save electricity
1. Firstly, the wiring must be in good condition: if it constantly knocks out plugs and burns out the light bulbs, such wiring is more likely to lead to a fire than it is suitable as a tool saving money.

2. Replace conventional bulbs with energy-saving ones: fluorescent or even more economical LED bulbs will do. If using night light, use minimal light. Replacing all the light bulbs in an apartment can cost 2–3 thousand rubles, but electricity costs will immediately fall by 30 percent and such bulbs will burn out in a few years.

3. Change the habit of buying batteries for a more economical one - to charge the batteries. An investment of a couple of thousand rubles will pay off headlong in a year, even for a one-room apartment.

4. Keep in mind that electricity is most likely cheaper at night (you can easily see it on any receipt). It is better to shift energy-consuming classes for the evening or night. Of course, noisy work at night will not work, but, say, gadgets and tools can definitely be charged at night, you can also run the washing machine and dishwasher at night.

5. Technique: in a large family, it is more economical to replace the kettle with a thermopot. Defrost the refrigerator regularly and do not overload the washing machine. It's pretty simple. But you can still save money if you do not wash very dirty clothes at a low temperature. After all, washing machines do not take hot water from the water supply, but heat it up on their own. All equipment is divided into energy consumption classes. The highest is A +, and the most expensive is G.
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How much to cook / Tips / How to save electricity


