
How to save water

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save water
It is necessary and important to save water. Especially if a lot of people live in the apartment and there are children. This article contains life hacks on what you can save on.

1. Slightly turn on the hot water tap near the meters. It is never used to its fullest, even in the shower half the pressure of hot water is enough.

2. Consider the need for a dishwasher - yes, dishwashers use electricity but do not use hot water. In addition, you can also save on electricity if you start washing dishes at night. Well, if you wash dishes in the sink, then just make the pressure during washing not very high and do not be distracted when washing dishes.

3. Find out where there are free water pumps in the neighborhood - if on the way, you can carry water from there.

4. Develop a regular habit of adjusting the water pressure for at least a week. Usually we turn on the water at full, especially on lever mixers.

5. Pick up economical solutions right away. Now they even produce mixers with a special economical water supply lever. The same applies to toilets - if the water supply when flushing is push-button, then as a rule there are 2 buttons: the main one, which gives half of the water, and the small one, which increases it. For the shower, there are special water-saving heads that can save up to 50% of water.

6. From the point of view of economy, washing windows and wet cleaning is best done with wet wipes, rather than used basins with fairies and telescopic rags. These wipes are inexpensive and will help save water, cleaning with them is much more pleasant and faster.

7. An excellent thing - an aerator, due to the saturation of water with air bubbles under pressure - as a result, water is consumed 3 times less.

8. A bottle of water is placed in the toilet bowl - from 0.5 liters, several are possible. As a result, the water supply lever is triggered earlier and water is filled with a saving of 0.5 liters each time.
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How much to cook / Tips / How to save water


