
Which mushrooms are better, summer or autumn?

Reading time - 1 min.
honey mushrooms
Honey mushrooms are of 4 types - summer, meadow, autumn and winter. But the most frequent representatives of the honey agaric group are summer and autumn. Summer ones have a wide and almost flat hat, autumn ones - a semicircular one. Autumn honey mushroom is better, according to its taste, it belongs to category 3. Summer is worse - it belongs to the last, 4 category of edible mushrooms.

However, you should also take into account your own taste preferences. If you like salted mushrooms, then summer mushrooms are perfect for salting. Their wide caps will fit tightly under the ground and will crunch pleasantly when salted. Just keep in mind that their legs can be bitter, so they definitely need to be cut off for large mushrooms. While it is better to pickle autumn mushrooms, they keep their shape better and, moreover, they look like the usual pickled mushrooms produced on farms.

How much to cook / Tips / Which mushrooms are better, summer or autumn?


