
Compote like in kindergarten

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compote like in the garden
Every person from the USSR knows that compote is an extremely tasty, moderately sweet drink. This taste has grown into memory and consciousness since childhood. 1/4 of the level in a glass is always occupied by boiled dried fruits, the rest is the drink itself. The compote that was cooked in kindergarten is not worth trying to cook from the current mixtures - both frozen and dry, fruits have lost much in quality - you get a very sweet drink, and only the aroma and flavor are fruity. To achieve serious fruit preservation, you need to put kilograms of such fruits in a saucepan. The real compote is cooked from selected dried fruits, dried without any preservatives, the concentration of which makes the drink not so much cloying as concentrated fruit.

The rest compote recipe, like in kindergartenis very simple. Dried fruits are taken, best of all homemade: apples, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, pears - in equal quantities. For concentration, as in kindergarten, you need to adhere to the following scheme: fill the pan with 1/6 of dried fruits, the rest is water. Sugar is added at the end if desired, but not necessary. Fruit that has been dried should ideally be of sweet varieties, so sugar may not be needed. Cook the compote for a long time - first pears for 15 minutes, and then all the dried fruits together for another 40-45 minutes, it is important to completely boil the fruit and achieve complete dissolution of their juices in water. Then the compote should be insisted - tightly covered with a lid, 5-6 hours, until completely cooled. If you have a thermos, put the compote there too, the result will be even better (in a day).

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How much to cook / Tips / Compote like in kindergarten

Questions to the cook

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