
Do I need to wash dried fruits

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my dried fruits
Yes, definitely!

Producers of dried fruits - prunes, raisins, dried apricots, etc. - first dry the fruits, then process them with special means to give them a presentation. These can be agents: sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, sulfur dioxide, etc. Very often I treat dried fruits with sulfur gas, which protects them from decay. All this chemical treatment is harmful to humanstherefore they must be washed thoroughly before use, even if they appear clean.

How to wash dried fruits
First, they must be placed in a container with warm water and left for half an hour so that the sulfur contained in them goes into the water. Then they must be rinsed under running cold water - that's the whole treatment, now you can eat dried fruits.

An important nuance: If the water in which you soaked the dried fruit turns blue, it means that the fruit was treated with fungicides during ripening, or perhaps the producers used dyes. Throw away such dried fruits.
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How much to cook / Tips / Do I need to wash dried fruits


