
An easy way to bleach a towel?

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bleach towel
Kitchen towels are an indispensable item in the household. And, unfortunately, spots appear on them. How to whiten towels, including getting rid of greasy stains?

The first way
They need to be placed in a deep saucepan, filled with cold water, add any bleach and washing powder. If there are berry stains on the towel, you can grate the floor of a bar of plain or laundry soap. And put it all on the stove, on a quiet fire. The water should boil gradually and then simmer for an hour. Then the towels need to be rinsed in the machine with the addition of fabric softener.

Second way
Pour a spoonful of bleach, half a glass of washing powder and a little vegetable oil into boiling water. Put towels, mix slightly, after putting on rubber gloves on your hands, and leave overnight, take out and rinse in the morning.

Sometimes towels need to be bleached several times.
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How much to cook / Tips / An easy way to bleach a towel?


