
How to pick blueberries quickly

Reading time - 3 minutes.
how to pick blueberries
1. Select a suitable collection container without holes. The bucket can be made from a plastic bag or a glass and string. Wear gloves on your hands, as blueberries are famous for being quite difficult to wash.
2. You can put a bag on the bottom of the bucket.
3. Find a bush with a lot of berries.
4. Inspect the berries: they must be large, dark blue, not cracked or wrinkled.
5. Twist the ripe berry and gently tear it off the stem. Pick all ripe berries.
6. Go to the next bush and continue collecting.
7. Wash the berries before eating.

A blueberry harvester will help to simplify and speed up the process 3-5 times. This steel product will not harm your plants if handled correctly and will help you finish your work faster. You need to hold the bush with your hand and carefully, in several steps, scoop the berries from the bush with a combine, shaking slightly - this way the garbage is removed more easily. By purchasing a harvester, you save your time and protect the environment.
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How much to cook / Tips / How to pick blueberries quickly


