
How to choose delicious watermelons

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sweet watermelons
The most important principle: buy watermelons in the market or in a watermelon shop: there it is as if the watermelons are allowed to taste and, if desired, your future watermelon will be cut to demonstrate the brightness of the color, ripeness of the fruit and the sweetness of taste. If they refuse to give a watermelon to taste, this is a bad sign. We must go to another seller.

If you still buy watermelon in a supermarket, it is important to follow these tips:

1. If the pulp is red, this does not mean the ripeness and sweetness of the watermelon. You should pay attention to the thickness of the skin. If it is thin, then the watermelon is sweet.

2. It is better to start buying watermelons from the end of July. if taken earlier, they will most likely be removed still unripe and will be insipid.

3. The fruit does not have to be large, much depends on the variety: for example, a dark green watermelon without stripes can weigh 2-3 kilograms. But if this is an ordinary striped watermelon, take at least 5 kilograms.

4. A dry tail on a watermelon indicates that the fruit had time to lie down, because freshly harvested watermelons have a green tail. But keep in mind that after harvesting, watermelons ripen a little already during storage.

5. If there are any dents on the watermelon, this does not mean that it is stuffed with chemicals. Most likely, this is due to transportation or soil relief features.

6. The watermelon does not have to have pronounced stripes and many black seeds. It all depends on the variety.

7. The watermelon should have a shiny rind, which indicates its ripeness.

If you hit the watermelon with your finger and you hear a dull sound, then the fruit is good.
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How much to cook / Tips / How to choose delicious watermelons


