
Do I need to soak honey mushrooms?

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Do honey mushrooms soak
Unpretentious mushrooms do not require long soaking. These are delicious and easy to prepare mushrooms, their structure is too fragile for soaking. To preserve the color, so that the mushrooms do not darken, you can dip them in slightly sour water for a couple of minutes or add vinegar to the pan during cooking. Experienced housewives also recommend rinsing the mushrooms with a steep solution of salt water to remove all insects from the catch - 1 tablespoon of salt is needed for 2 liters of water. But this is the maximum, you don't need to soak honey mushrooms for a long time.

It is not necessary, but possible - to hold the old "possibly wormy" mushrooms in salted water for about an hour so that all uninvited "guests" quickly get out of the mushrooms. But as a rule, honey mushrooms are gathered young and healthy, so they do not require soaking. If you have fallen on the trail of young, even, beautiful fungi, know that they require minimal processing and will be a worthy decoration on the festive table. Such specimens must be cleaned of soil and grass, wiped if necessary and boil until tender... Many mushroom pickers do not even boil, but immediately fry. Respectively, soaking honey agaric - only extra chores.
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How much to cook / Tips / Do I need to soak honey mushrooms?


