Blanks and 2020

In general, they began to procure food for future use a long time ago. Even now, when there is enough of everything on store shelves, blanks for the winter remain in trend, since store products greatly lose quality. In the pursuit of economic efficiency and marketing chips, dyes and preservatives are added to the blanks in large industries. Therefore, often people who understand the quality of products learn to make preparations themselves - it turns out tastier, cheaper and healthier.

Considering that many townspeople love to relax in the country, and jars of desserts, salads or caviar will be a delicious reminder of summer - preparation for the winter is still one of the most pleasant country entertainment. The whole family will be busy: children can pick vegetables, fruits and berries, adults can prepare and sterilize jars, peel and cut berries and vegetables, a pair of hands must constantly watch so that nothing burns or escapes. And when in winter on New Year's Eve a jar of eggplant caviar is opened at the family table, the products for which are grown on their own plot, or when a jar of jam is opened at Shrovetide, the whole family recalls the summer and spending time together in the country.

Another common way of procurement is the purchase of small wholesale of vegetables, fruits and berries in markets and vegetable stores. The method is ideal for those who do not have their own land, but want to do home canning.

In 2020, the relevance of procurement is especially high - due to the CoVid-2019 infection, the economy is in limbo, as are the incomes and health of citizens. Weld the blank - take care of a safe supply of food for the winter! blanks

Hooray! Summer!

We spend the summer with the benefits of winter!